
Have you ever wasted hours looking for course details such as elevation, route, and terrain when trying to decide whether to register for a specific marathon or ultra? Do you sometimes pretend to be spontaneous and register even when you can’t find that information, only to lose several nights’ worth of sleep as the race gets closer? If you are a little obsessive about knowing what what’s in store for you at a race, especially because you are slow and worried about making cutoffs, then this might be a blog for you. Many times I have fantasized about putting all of the race data that I’ve collected in one place for easy reference. Fantasy has become reality in that procrastination and anxiety filled period that happens just before a first attempt at a new distance (Hello, Rocky!). Here you will eventually find information about the races I’ve completed as I work towards my goal of finishing a trail marathon or longer distance in each of the 50 states. I started on roads and have included those marathons for now, but plan to eventually repeat those states with trail races. Happy trails!

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